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2011 Aspen Security Forum

July 27 - 30, 2011 | Aspen, CO

Counterterrorism: Past, Present, and Future

Speaker: Michael Leiter, former Director, National Counterterrorism Center, Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Moderator: David Sanger, The New York Times

Aviation Security

Speaker: John Pistole, Assistant Secretary of the Transportation Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security

Speaker: Michael Leiter, Former Director, National Counterterrorism Center; Senior Counselor, Palantir Technologies

Moderator: Jeanne Meserve, CNN

Maritime Security

Speaker: Donald Kusser, Assistant Port Director, Tactical Operations, Los Angeles -- Long Beach Seaport, Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security

Speaker: Stephen L. Caldwell, Director, Homeland Security and Justice Issues, Government Accountability Office

Moderator: Robert O'Harrow, The Washington Post

The Terrorist Threat Picture and a Counterterrorism Strategy for the Post-bin Laden Era

Speaker: John McLaughlin, former Deputy and Acting Director, Central Intelligence Agency; Distinguished Practitioner-in-Residence at the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

Speaker: Charles Allen, former Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security; Principal, The Chertoff Group

Moderator: Michael Isikoff, NBC News

Border Security

Speaker: Chief Michael Fisher, Chief, U.S. Border Patrol, Department of Homeland Security

Speaker: Cindy Coppola, Deputy Director, Terrorist Screening Center; Robert Mocny, Director, US-VISIT program, Department of Homeland Security

Speaker: Daniel Prieto, Vice President and Practice Lead, Public Sector Strategy & Innovation, IBM

Moderator: Shaun Waterman, The Washington Times

Mass Transit Security

Speaker: Brian Michael Jenkins, Senior Advisor to the President, RAND Corporation; Research Associate, Mineta Transportation Institute

Speaker: Paul S. MacMillan, Chief of Police, Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority Transit Police Department

Speaker: Owen J. Monaghan, Assistant Chief, Transit Bureau, New York Police Department

Moderator: Owen J. Monaghan, Assistant Chief, Transit Bureau, New York Police Department

Threat vs. Response

Speaker: Dennis Blair, Former Director of National Intelligence

Moderator: Lesley Stahl, Correspondent, "60 Minutes," CBS News

Reflections on 9/11 and the Decade Since

Speaker: Stephen Hadley, Former National Security Advisor

Speaker: Fran Townsend, Former White House Anti-Terrorism Chief

Speaker: Jane Harman, Former House Homeland Security Chair

Moderator: Walter Isaacson, President and CEO, Aspen Institute

Nuclear Security

Speaker: Joseph Cirincione, President, Ploughshares Foundation

SpeakerRobert Gallucci, President, MacArthur Foundation

Speaker: Megan Garcia, Hewlett Foundation

Speaker: Warren Stern, Director, DHS Nuclear Detection Office

Moderator: Susan Glasser, Foreign Policy

The Wars Abroad and the Threat at Home

Speaker: Douglas E. Lute, Special Assistant to the the President on Afghanistan and Pakistan

Speaker: Paul N. Stockton, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Speaker: Guy C. Swann III, U.S. Northern Command

Moderator: Kimberly Dozier, Intelligence and Counterterrorism Correspondent, AP

Cyber Security

Speaker: Michael V. Hayden, Director, Central Intelligence Agency

Speaker: Jon Ramsey, Dell SecureWorks

Speaker: Mati Kochavi, AGT International

Moderator: Allan Holmes, Bloomberg

Industry and Innovation

Speaker: Tom Herring, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, AeroVironment, Inc.

Speaker: Jack Lichtenstein, Vice President for Governmental Affairs and Public Policy, American Society for Industrial Security

Speaker: Marc Nathanson, Chairman, Mapleton Investments; Co-Chair, Homeland Security Advisory Council for Los Angeles County

Speaker: Marc Pearl, President and CEO, Homeland Security & Defense Business Council

Speaker: Chris Taylor, CEO, Mission Essential Personnel

Moderator: Noah Shachtman, Wired Magazine

The View from Abroad - Middle East and South Asia

Speaker: Abdullah Alsaidi, former Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the United Nations

Speaker: Eklil Hakimi, Ambassador to the United States for the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Speaker: Husain Haqqani, Ambassador to the United States for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Moderator: Massimo Calabresi, TIME Magazine

The Road to 9/11 and the Immediate Aftermath

Speaker: Richard Ben-Veniste, former 9/11 Commissioner

Speaker: Gary Berntsen, former Commander, Central Intelligence Agency forces in Eastern Afghanistan

Speaker: Cofer Black, former Ambassador-at-Large, Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Department of State; former Director, Counterterrorist Center, Central Intelligence Agency

Speaker: Barbara Sude, Senior Political Scientist, RAND Corporation; former Senior AlQaeda Analyst, National Counterterrorism Center

Moderator: Catherine Herridge, Fox News

International Organizations and European Partners

Speaker: Richard Barrett, Coordinator, United Nations Al-Qaida Taliban Monitoring Team

Speaker: Gilles de Kerchove, Counterterrorism Coordinator, European Union

Moderator: Ryan Lizza, The New Yorker

The Rule of Law and the War on Terrorism

Speaker: Bill Bratton, Chairman, Kroll; former Chief, Los Angeles Police Department; former Commissioner, New York Police Department

Speaker: Alberto Gonzales, former Attorney General of the United States and White House Counsel

Speaker: Anthony Romero, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Uni

Speaker: John Yoo, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice; Professor of Law, University of California at Berkeley

Moderator: Dahlia Lithwick, Slate

The Media's Role in Covering Terrorism

Speaker: P.J. Crowley, former Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs

Speaker: Dana Priest, The Washington Post

Speaker: Ira Rosen, Producer, “60 Minutes,” CBS News

Speaker: Kristen Saloomey, Al Jazeera

Speaker: Eric Schmitt, The New York Times

Moderator: Josh Gerstein, Politico

Conducting a Global Response to Counterterrorism

Speaker: Daniel Benjamin, Ambassador-at-Large, Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Department of State

Moderator: Dan Klaidman, former Managing Editor, Newsweek

Financing Terror

Speaker: Stuart Levey, former Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Department of the Treasury

Speaker: Juan Carlos Zarate, former Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Adviser for Combating Terrorism

Moderator: Erin Burnett, CNN

The Department of Homeland Security at Year Eight

Speaker: Janet A. Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security

Speaker: Michael Chertoff, former Secretary, Department of Homeland Security

Moderator: Pete Williams, NBC News

The Role of Special Operations Forces in the Global War on Terrorism

Speaker: Eric T. Olson, Commander, SOCOM

Moderator: Martha Raddatz, ABC News

Discussion of the Film "Killing In The Name"

Speaker: Peter Bergen, Co-Director, Counterterrorism Strategy Initiative, New America Foundation; National Security Analyst, CNN

Speaker: Carie Lemack, Co-Founder, Global Survivors Network; Executive Producer, Killing in the Name

Moderator: Dina Temple-Raston, NPR

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