The Weekly Leaf
Revisit the 2023 Aspen Security Forum
This Week's Content Highlights
Features from Aspen Strategy Group Members
Elizabeth Economy for the Financial Times: "China Wins Advantage With Art of Surprise"
Mark T. Esper interviewed by Kaitlan Collins for CNN
Michael J. Green, Jude Blanchette, and Choi Shing Kwok for The Asia Chessboard podcast: "ASEAN's Future Under Great Power Rivalry"
Naima Green-Riley and Andrew Leber for Security Studies: "Whose War Is It Anyway? Explaining the Black-White Gap in Support for the Use of Force Abroad"
Chris Howard, Anja Manuel, Emily Lawrence, and Dan Correa for the Aspen Strategy Group: "Re-Engineering American Security: Cultivating Talent for Competitiveness"
David Ignatius for The Washington Post: "China Is Serious About Winning the New Space Race"
Anja Manuel for The Hill: "Winning the Great Race on Technology"
Meghan O'Sullivan for the Financial Times: "Climate Action in an Era of Great Power Competition"
David Petraeus interviewed by Erin Burnett for CNN
David Rubenstein for Bloomberg: "The Risks of Global Inequality"
Lawrence Summers, Robert Zoellick, and Adam Posen for the Peterson Institute of International Economics: "Industrial Policy and U.S. Foreign Policy"
Lawrence Summers and N.K. Singh for Project Syndicate: "The Multilateral Development Banks the World Needs"
Rising Leaders in the News
"Ensuring the security of the polar regions is a messaging opportunity stakeholders can use to support stability and longevity in the ice pilot program."
James Martin ('22), Jasper Campbell, and Samuel Krakower for the U.S. Naval Institute: "On Thin Ice: The Coast Guard's Ice Pilot Shortage"
Dispatches From Aspen
Goli Ameri, Co-Founder, StartItUp and Former United States Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Tzipi Livni, Former Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Justice of Israel
Farah Pandith, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations and Former Special Representative to Muslim Communities, U.S. Department of State
Dina Powell McCormick, Vice Chairman & President of Global Client Services, BDT-MSD; Former Deputy National Security Advisor of the United States
Moderator: Steve Clemons, Founding Editor at Large, Semafor
Romy Drucker, Director, Education Program, Walton Family Foundation
Chris Howard, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Arizona State University
Condoleezza Rice, Co-Chair, Aspen Strategy Group, and 66th U.S. Secretary of State
Moderator: Stephanie Ruhle, Host, “The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle” and NBC News Senior Business Analyst, MSNBC
Book of the Week
By Peter D. Feaver
“What explains the high levels of public confidence in the U.S. military and does high confidence matter? In Thanks for Your Service, the eminent civil-military relations scholar Peter D. Feaver addresses this question and focuses on what it means for the military. Proprietary survey data show that confidence is partly based on public beliefs about the military's high competence, adherence to high professional ethics, and a determination to stand apart from the bitter divisions of partisan politics. However, as Feaver argues, confidence is also shaped by a partisan gap and by social desirability bias, the idea that some individuals express confidence in the military because they believe that is the socially approved attitude to hold. Not only does Feaver help us understand how and why the public has confidence in the military, but he also exposes problems that policymakers need to be aware of. Specifically, this book traces how confidence in the institution shapes public attitudes on the use of force and may not always reinforce best practices in democratic civil-military relations.”

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